my family

my family

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

world wide wth

 I think we are lucky to have the internet, however making it available to all was like giving everyone their own private nuke to destroy people a thousand different ways in front of an audience of billions. When used as a tool of learning and communication, and by communication I mean E-mailing grandma or that far away relative you never get to see pictures of your family and such, it can be a wonderful tool. All too often it is used as a weapon by children and sadly a large amount of adults, and as a way to know everyone you ever knew and all of their friends and family's every thought and move. I mean really, do you need to know that your acquaintance from down the street was with 4 of her closest friends and just checked in at the BP gas station at 4 in the morning and OMG they're totally lit??? I doubt it. I mainly use the internet as a source of entertainment, ( I LOVE NETFLIX) communication with long lost friends and family, and to learn and help my kids learn.
When I log onto facebook, AKA the devil in small font, It really burns me up to see people talking about other people out in the open even if they do not name names. To give full disclosure on their habbits and their downfalls and the fight you just had with them is not necessary. Lets be adults people, you can go on and on about yourself all you want. You can even talk about how your feelings are hurt and how youve had the worst day ever. But do we really need to put out there that so and so is the worst mom ever? Maybe they had an off day? I know some days I count my children when theyre being too quiet in the car, I know sometimes time escapes me and I miss a diaper change or a bath or heaven forbid a meal is late. Does this mean I am a bad mom? No. There is NO excuse for your toddler being alone or your teen being drunk or any number of horrible things that unfortunatly happen to children these days, but it doesnt mean occasional minor slip ups mean I am not a good mom or that I do not love my children.
Do we really need to put it out there that so and so is a deadbeat dad/mom? I know full well there are those types of parents out there, but chances are, your child will eventually see it and if you put it online, its inevitable. Give your children their own time to figure out which parent does for them and which does not. Believe me, kids are smarter these days then you may think. 9 times out of 10 they form their own opinion about people better than we adults do. Another thing that burns me up is the fact that kids are not watched more on-line. in a world full of predators, you would think priority number one would be know what your kids are doing and saying before it is too late, know who their friends are and who they chat with at all times and for the love of god teach them safety and right from wrong. Let them know that the girl that was their BFF since pre-k can be just as dangerous as the 49 year old sexual predator across town posing as the 10 year old child. Often times it is easier to catch the stranger than it is the BFF because let me tell you, kids are not the same as they used to be! They are sneakier and nastier than most adults. 10 is the new 13 and so on. Especially girls, they're are "older" and have problems and thought processes that we didn't have until almost high school. They can block and delete and run their mouths until the cows come home and you will be none the wiser until it is too late. I have and always will believe that children learn by example, if they're surrounded by negative, or honestly do not get told that they are not the top of the world, they will in fact think that it is ok to go to school and torment someone they have deemed unworthy of being treated human and then go home to no consequences and do the same online to everyone who can see and will listen thus furthering their torment and making it even worse for the child.
Yes I know that kids will be kids ( I really hate that saying) and sometimes parents can do their best and it still is just not good enough. But, lets face it. if you are not a hands on parent, or you do not instill the values into your children or build their confidence up to know that words can hurt and on the other spectrum teach them what to do for themselves and that to stand up for yourself is the most improtant thing in the world, they're never going learn. Kids should stand together and teach the people who behave this way that it is not ok and they will not tolerate it!!!!! MAKE CONSEQUENCES!! Did we learn nothing from Columbine or the awful suicides all across the country? Just because you do not agree does not mean that it is okay to belittle them for it. Or for any other reason. Bullying kids does not make you better. Being bullied without relief has lasting effects. If we do not put up a united front between kids, parents, teachers, and law enforcement with no child immune to the consequences, as bad as things have gotten in the last 10-20 years, what will it be like in 10-20 more?
In a world of Snookies ect, we need to teach our children that actions and choices we make even if they do not have immediate consequences, may have consequences 5, 10, even 15 years down the road. Teach them to think before they speak, type, record and act. Teach them to think, Do I want everyone to hear or see this? What would my mother/father/grandparents/children/ future children think? Let's face it, if its on line, its not going anywhere! I saw many people talk about how Snookie said the Jersey Shore antics were not really her and she would never want kids to think shes a role model or that she really behaves that way. Really? do you actually believe that?

The Web can be wonderful especially Facebook, Twitter, Myspace etc. when in the hands of mature, self-respecting people/kids. Unfortunately most of the time its the people who like to cause harm or snoop or what have you. I have 222 friends on my Facebook profile. Some can see everything, some cannot. My profile is private and my child's profile is locked down tighter than Fort Knox. If I do not recognize you or know your mother, you do not get access to her page. All notifications go directly to my phone and she does not even know her password LOL.
Also, there is a delete button. If you don't want to take the sad, upset, bad day posts, delete them! Some people only have Facebook as an outlet. instead of making them feel bad, give them words of encouragement. After all, why are you their friend if you cannot be happy for them when they're happy and grieve when they're grieving?  
Bottom line is, don't put anything on line that you do not want anyone with a notion to see and pass on for years to come. Do not give your kids a webcam and a lock on their door and just expect that they know right form wrong. Feelings and peer pressure are powerful things, you were not immune and neither are you kids. You will regret it and there will be nothing you can do to change it.

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